North Chapel -Presently meeting at Watson North Funeral Home 405 Sharp Springs Road | Winchester, TN 37398
Come join us on Sunday morning (10AM) for a very different type of gathering. This gathering follows the structure and format of that which was observed in the first century church. So, why would/should this gathering is considered different? I would have to say because it is so far removed from the church of today that for those attending the service... it will seem like nothing they have ever experienced. With an understanding of church history, proof of the invasion of secularism into its frame work, and the tangible evidence that the powerful effectiveness of its purpose has been far-removed from society, it is time to admit…we (traditional church leaders) have been doing something wrong. In 2019, or local church fellowship baptized 144 people. This statistical data is horrible and is conclusive evidence that 44 pastors (men with God's calling on their life) could only reach 3 lost people (per pastor) while being paid as a professional pastor!(???) This statistical information is based upon 42,000 residence in Franklin County, 56,000 residence in Coffee County. When church members wonder just what their pastor is doing during the is obvious by the statistical data what he is NOT DOING.
As I work in the secular environment, I am required by my employer to be productive with tangible evidence of what I have done during my work hours. With consistent achievement in this productivity, I still find the time to aggressively witness to the lost. To my surprise, I find a multitude of people who are already saved…but simply don’t like church, don’t like the preacher, or are bored to death with the “business” of church. Sadly, none of these people have ever been in a church where converts were being baptized each Sunday because the pastor was out reaching the lost instead of playing with social media, attending fellowship meetings, or working on his personal conflict of interest. It is time that the employer (the voting church membership) hold their leadership to a biblical standard of productivity found in John 15:8 (Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, and so shall ye be my disciples.)
In the 35 years of ministry I have collected information, participated in effective ministry, and exposed the ministry enigma that few men will address or stand against. Having heard pastors claim that, ”if the church didn’t meet their family’s financial needs…they would leave the church” and knowing that this is diametrically opposed to those servants of God in Hebrews chapter 11, I find myself appalled with not only their entitlement attitudes but that the financially supporting members are oblivious to the indictment he has place upon himself, the deacons, and the trustees. “Necessity is the mother of invention” and if this saying is true, then insanity must be the father of innovation. Albert Einstein gave his definition for insanity when he said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and each time…expecting a different result.” Just how many Sundays will the church do the exact same thing and keep expecting a different result? Instead of trying to get people to spend their money to build an extravagant church building filled with multiple staff members where no one ever is brought down the aisle to be saved, innovation has taken me in the direction of starting a rescue station on the edge of eternity….at Watson North Funeral Home. Essentially, everyone eventually goes to the funeral home. We are just going to give people an opportunity to walk in on their own before being carried in against their will.
North Chapel - a gathering of individuals who have the experience of winning the lost to Christ and desire to train others through active, consistent, face to face evangelism. After all, no one learns how to fight with a sword by listening to some one’s verbal instruction from the pulpit. First and foremost…having disciples (personal converts) is a prerequisite of being a disciple. At North Chapel, leadership is by example and you will not find anyone in authority that does not have tangible evidence of fulfilling the great commission.
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Everyone who wants to win the lost to Christ is given ideas and concepts from the Lord. Yet, getting the idea into a working product can be a daunting task. Let M.E. help you. We are striving to give individuals assistance with CAD design, simulation, fabrication, and production of ministry tools.
Ministry Ideas (.com) was a website I put on line in 2001. It was essentially what you see in this website but was more a church based ministry. MINISTRY ENGINEERING (verb) is a term that stresses the need and skill it takes to innovate church based programs that will be more effective in reaching the lost. Through the use of these tools, hundreds of souls were saved and several volunteer workers surrendered to full-time service. I do not contract work but instead, I perform these task as a vital member of a thriving church for the purpose of evangelism. The church operates as the facility to train workers to use products, and provide professional assistance in helping church laymen with the invention process for financial benefit of building the kingdom.
To understand Ministry
Engineering's philosophical approach to the Lord's work, consider this
question. Does a mule pull a plow? Beware of giving a conditioned
response! Many of the things we think we know in life are simply the results of
our conditioning by controlling powers and individuals. Knowledge and
understanding gives freedom to those enslaved by manipulative forces and
people. If your answer was "yes" to the question it is because
you have been conditioned to judge by sight instead of law. Instead of
looking at the location of the plow in relation to the mule, stop to consider
the harness the mule is wearing. The yoke is worn on the neck and
shoulders thus it is being "pushed" by the mule. The design of the
harness is what forces the plow to turn the earth. The laws of
physics prove the mule does not pull the plow but instead...he pushes the
plow. Now let us go a step farther. If the creator of the universe
has designed a harness (yoke) then we know it will be sharp and will easily
turn the earth. This leads us to the second question.... How can wearing a yoke
(work implement) be easy? The weight of an average working mule is 900 lbs.
Because of the structure of the breast plate the mule is able to breathe as he
LEANS against the yoke. Yes, I said "leans" against the yoke. When we
see how the Lord has designed His work to be done, we can then understand
how we have been conditioned to think wrong about work... and ministry. He
simply wants us to continually lean on Him. As we lean on Him the plow is moved
forward and all we have to do is step ahead to once again...lean upon Him.
Ministry Engineering (M.E.)
In the past 34 years, I have been in the presence of, worked for, or worked with some impressive people in both the religious and secular work environments. Ministry Engineering (verb) uses applications of science and mathematics in building something that can be used for evangelism and church growth. Yet, I have found that the real science behind the engineering is more on the psychological application. Nothing is more revealing to the success or failure of Christianity than how its leaders react to unprecedented success, irrefutable evidence of God's provision and direction, and the hard evidence of productivity in changed lives and conversions. The culmination of 34 years of study, observation, innovation, invention, collaboration... unfortunately there is evidence showing the major constraints to seeing the larger impact on the lost comes from those within the ministry who are intimidated, threatened, or jealous of the obvious impact. There is tangible evidence of accomplishments, victories, and unimaginable disappointments in the churches in which our family has served. Several men had insight and benefited from the gifts that the Lord provided me. There were also those who found themselves with a staff member who would hold them accountable.
Nothing on this website will be understood by its reader until a logical and biblical grasp is achieved in the passage Ezk. 22:25-30. There is a conspiracy, the priest are part of it, and God is not looking for someone to come in and fix things…He’s just wanting someone “among them” to sacrifice his 401K, risk losing his income, put his family at risk by standing for principle, and to BLOW the WHISTLE on the corruption that is killing the land.
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